Social Networking/Mobile Computing Management Certificate
Social technologies and the corresponding innovations in value-offerings, processes, business models, organizational models and capabilities will be integral and critical to business success. Consumers now connect to each other and to businesses through large-scale dynamic networks based on non-traditional internet and mobile media. As a result, companies must analyze the huge amount of data that is generated minute-by-minute by social media to understand and influence their customers and to predict and take advantage of important trends, while delivering value added insights via a Responsive Web Design that provides an optimal viewing experience. The effects of collaborative networking, collaborative learning, collaborative remote working, and collective intelligence are focused on throughout the courses in this certificate. Social network analysis is an exciting new field with strong demand for the kinds of skills that are developed in this certificate.
This certificate explores real-life examples and experiences from the field, to confirm the transformational potential of social business. The certificate will cover emerging opportunities and best practices in creating the social enterprise of the future, and how IT can be instrumental in leading their enterprise as they realize the promise of social business.
Select at least 4 courses from the following:
(All courses are available live/synchronously
face-to-face & online)
The growing use of websites, such as Facebook and X (Twitter), allows everyone to generate and share content and establish collaborative networks and collaborative learning. These social media tools have become integral to our everyday lives. Students will learn various techniques for analyzing user behavior in social media websites by applying prominent theories that influence human behavior in these environments. They will examine these websites and evaluate their positive and negative impacts on society. The skills and knowledge that students acquire in this course will allow them to make recommendations for leveraging websites and other products/services that involve social media technologies.
In this course participants will learn how to extract data from multiple web and Big Data sources, and analyze web-scale data using distributed computing and their effects on collaborative intelligence. Candidates will learn different analysis methods that are widely used across the range of internet companies, from start-ups to online giants like Amazon or Google, as well as other internet of things/Big Data sources. At the end of the course, students will apply these methods to answer a real strategic question for how to create and leverage useful web applications.