IT and non-IT executives at every organizational level, seeking to prepare and excel in the ongoing digITal transformation.
GIIM typically has in excess of 1,000 students/candidates, representing more than 40 countries from over 150 affiliate organizations / universities, being taught by its 300+ faculty members.
The sweet-spot for GIIMs 35 4-course certificates are IT professionals & consultants with 10+ years of experience; high potential employees that are advancing in their careers.
GIIM also offers:
shorter customized programs for senior IT and non-IT executives, to help them understand how to leverage IT in their industry/organization
Master's Degrees with our university affiliates
GIIMaffiliates around the globe leverage the breadth of GIIMs digital management education programs and faculty to expand their portfolio of learning initiatives:
Other Education/Training Companies
IT Product Vendor
IT Service Providers
Individuals with a strong network
Commercial/Global Enterprises
IT & non-IT Management Associations
Other membership-oriented organizations
Government Agencies & Contractors
Consulting: Management & Technical
Exec/Continuing Education
Additional Candidate Demographics:
Most Popular Programs By Participant
All live programs can be customized based on the target audience and their objectives