Digital Negotiation Success

Negotiating Digital Success Course

  • IT leaders negotiate with their business partners, vendors, and an array of other internal and external individuals and organizational entities.

  • With internal business partners they negotiate on everything from budget to project prioritization to software application features.

  • With vendors they negotiate on price, delivery dates, service levels, and a myriad of other topics.

  • Elsewhere, they negotiate on service contracts, organizational resources, organizational structure, who leads digital transformation type projects and every other conceivable business and technical issue.

  • As a result, negotiation skills are a key element for both IT organizational success and individual professional career development.

This Course Is Available  Live/Synchronously Face-To-Face & Online

This course includes all the standard negotiation topics, such as:

  • Importance and role of negotiation
  • Proper preparation and information exchange  
  • Negotiation strategies and tactics
  • Fending off difficult tactics
  • Turning Bargaining into Closing
  • Mastering Conflict Management  
  • Negotiation styles

This course also, however, takes a holistic view of negotiation by expanding the discussing beyond these standard areas of study to focus on IT and include:

  • The integration of influence techniques into your negotiation tactics
  • Interpersonal communication techniques designed to maximize valued discussion
  • Global negotiation concepts and tactics used throughout the world
  • Observation techniques, such as body language and enhanced listening to better understand the other party

These expanded topics greatly enhance your ability to negotiate successfully for your company, your IT organization, and yourself.

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