Flexible Synchronous Live (Face-to-Face & Online) Schedules
Each accredited 40-hour course is a component of a detailed and adaptable 4-course certificate program, tailored to the candidates' backgrounds and goals.
All programs have been meticulously crafted by top academics and professionals to cover every facet of the subject matter, ensuring the achievement of utmost proficiency.
All 35 certificates (150+ courses) are available and scalable via GIIMsliveface-to-face and synchronous online delivery models, where GIIMs faculty delivers the respectivecourse content.
Program schedule & dates (including venue and delivery model) are determined in concert with the local group/cohort (affiliate IT management association, individual company, or university), where each 4-course certificate is usually completed within 6 months.
All live programs can be customized based on the target audience and their objectives.
Eachof the 4face-to-facecertificate courses conductedoutside North Americatypically follows a 6 week model:
Weeks 1-2: course preparation
Weeks 3-4: 30-40 hours (usually held in 4 days) of face-to face classes
consecutive weekends (all day Saturday & all day Sunday) or
any schedule desired over a 1-2 week period where we meet 30-40 hours
Weeks 5-6: attendees do a project that applies the course content which is sent to our faculty for critique
The next course cycle begins on the 7th week
TheNorth Americanface-to-facesegments can be scheduled more flexibly; typically given on two 2-day face-to-face segments with a 3 week separation between the segment.
All 35 certificates can also be deliveredsynchronously online
Same time different places
Schedule & dates are determined in concert with the local group/cohort
Some certificates are also availableasynchronouslyonline via GIIMs LMS/Cloud/web or combination of web and face-to-face (blended).
Asynchronous: any time, any place, self-paced
Students/Candidates are given 60 calendar days to complete each asynchronous online course
Blended/Hybrid: schedule & dates are determined in concert with the local group/cohort