GIIM Objectives

-  Dedicated to preparing digITal leaders!

-  Focused on digITal management insights for a rapidly changing world. 

GIIM collaborates with its affiliates around the globe in delivering full degrees, certificates/certifications, postgraduate diplomas, and customized just-in-time workshops & seminars, via its comprehensive 35 digITal management programs (over 150 40-hour courses).

  • The purpose of GIIM is to help ensure that individuals (all levels of IT and non-IT) and organizations are prepared to embark on the exciting journey to the digital enterprise where IT goals and business goals are indistinguishable from one another.

  • Founded in 2012 by Jerry Luftman Ph.D., GIIM has become a recognized leader in providing digITal management education around the globe. 

  • Other institutes do technical training.  GIIM makes digITal leaders.

  • No one offers the breadth of GIIMs digital management education programs.   

  • An innovative Education as a Service initiative

  • Educating for impact

  • Affiliates leverage the breadth of GIIMs digital management education programs and faculty to expand their portfolio of learning initiatives

Each accredited 40-hour course is a component of a detailed and adaptable 4-course certificate program, tailored to the candidates' backgrounds and goals. All programs have been meticulously crafted by top academics and professionals to cover every facet of the subject matter, ensuring the achievement of utmost proficiency.

Technology has never been a more significant, pervasive, and rapid driver of business growth, thus creating a unique era of opportunity for IT professionals at every level. Today’s CEOs and CIOs now expect their organizations to be digital leaders, where innovative services and experiences continuously drive positive business outcomes with velocity.  GIIMs fundamental objective is to prepare IT and non-IT professionals for this digital transformation.  GIIM participants range from university students to CEOs from around the globe. The sweet spot for GIIM Certificates are IT professionals with 10+ years of experience.

The institute provides a comprehensive portfolio of 35 IT management certificates, with the appropriate balance of academic rigor and practical relevance, and with each frequently considered as being the single most important educational experience in the attendees professional life.

The courses within the 35 respective certificates are delivered globally face-to-face (online is available) in concert with affiliate management associations, individual company groups/cohorts, or universities (where Master's Degrees can also be awarded). The learning opportunities are in close proximity to the job, on a just-in-time basis, and integrated into the clients broader learning and development objectives. We partner with our clients and affiliates to deliver the right solutions to meet their digital management education objectives.

Phrases like the following from GIIM IT and non-IT executive affiliates are pervasive:

  • We are in a technology arms race.  


  • We are competing as much on IT as we are with our traditional products/services.


  • Every company is an IT company.


  • We must go digital and that means changing how we work, how we engage, and how we make decisions.

“There is demonstrable evidence correlating organizations overall performance with higher IT-business alignment maturity."
     - Luftman Strategic Alignment Maturity research

"Large enterprises with digitally savvy executive teams outperformed comparable companies without such teams by more than 48% based on revenue growth and valuation."
     -  MIT Center for IS Research

"At top-quartile organizations, 57% of respondents say their senior tech leaders are very involved in strategic planning; versus 17% in the bottom quartile."
     - McKinsey

"At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years… if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies.”

          - John Chambers, Executive Chairman, Cisco System


Succeeding in today's dynamic digital ecosystem demands IT and non-IT professionals to be effective transformational leaders prepared with a balanced set of management, leadership, technical, industry, and interpersonal skills.

Despite higher wages, more than 80% of organizations worldwide (cross industry, including service providers) identify recruiting of IT talent with the appropriate set of skills as a top business challenge.

GIIM focuses on addressing this challenge via our Education As A Service model!

IT is reshaping global markets while reshaping itself.

Every business is becoming a digital business.

After launching our initial offerings in 2012 with about 100 candidates / students, GIIM is primed to have well over 1,000 candidates (IT and non-IT) participating in programs this year. Enrollments are growing exponentially since we expanded our successful face-to-face programs with our asynchronous web program delivery.

The digital transformation is bringing profound change to everything we do. Nowhere was this more apparent than the changes demanded by the pandemic (e.g., working at home, online purchasing, business and social process & communications changes) and sustainability. But the impact on every company began well before and will continue long after the pandemic. The digital effect has been and will continue to drive increased revenues and competitive advantage. The advent of emerging technologies (e.g., SMAC, Robotics, Blockchain), and changes to the ecosystem (e.g., competition, interdependent world, sourcing models, natural disasters) has brought intensified attention to IT and digitization, and the evolving role of IT.

The World Economic Forum estimates that over 130 million jobs will be created globally in new professions, where demand for data scientists, software engineers and a myriad of roles requiring digital skills are growing rapidly. In addition, successful managers and leaders increasingly require a strong working knowledge of digital technologies, as well as 21st century leadership skills including the ability to be adaptable, innovative and creative.

Organizations, regardless of their size, cannot function without IT enabling/driving every activity, from traditional back-office systems to strategic services that interact with customers and external partners.  Accordingly, our global IT trends research demonstrates that there is strong demand for IT professionals (available from service providers and commercial organizations) prepared to engage in developing new services, troubleshooting problems, performing maintenance & help desk support, and keeping systems running efficiently & effectively.

IT has quickly become a top priority for businesses across every industry. So much so that IT roles are no longer just the purview of the IT department. Every business unit has a stake in the IT services, apps, networks, hardware, and software needed to meet business goals and objectives, and many of them are hiring their own technologists.


The war for talent has moved beyond the technology industry, with other verticals vying for talented IT workers who have the skills to enable digital transformation, process improvement, change management, and the development of apps and services. As the demand for tech talent grows in industries beyond tech, salaries are on the rise in fields such as consulting, finance, hospitality, and more. 

With the growing global demand for IT and non-IT professionals having the appropriate balance of leadership, management, business, industry, technical, and interpersonal skills, innovative programs that provide flexible leading-edge digital management education like GIIM have become essential.

What's Hot

Technical Skills and Certifications: Data, Analytics, Security, Cloud, Architecture, AI, Project Management, Software Engineering, Blockchain,  and Legacy Systems
Management Certified and Non-Certified Skills:  Leadership, Industry, Marketing,  Finance, Business, Organization, Data / Analytics, Systems Management, Cloud, Vendor / Outsourcing Management, Interpersonal / Teams / Communications

What's Essential

Most important, with the growing global demand/gap for professionals with the appropriate balance of leadership, management, technical, business, industry, and interpersonal skills, innovative programs that combine flexible training and educating like the programs available from GIIM have become essential.

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