The demand for personalized software solutions across various industries makes software development an extremely lucrative skill. Whether it's creating custom CRM systems or developing unique data management tools, candidates completing this GIIM program will be equipped to deliver tailored solutions that can generate substantial incomes. Equally important is the ability to debug and ensure the software runs smoothly.he need for personalized software solutions across different industries makes software development a highly lucrative skill.
Information technologies touch every segment of society, driving change and innovation across every industry. As organizations integrate new technologies to compete in the global environment, they require more computer software engineers to implement those new technologies. Today’s complex and competitive business environment demands that companies vigilantly ensure the reliability and integrity of computer systems to avoid costly and potentially catastrophic disruption. But, some of the mistakes from the past continue to be made. To ensure success and guard against failure, alert industries engage technically qualified experts with sound managerial judgment.
The World Economic Forum estimates that over 130 million jobs will be created globally in new professions, where demand for data scientists, software engineers and a myriad of roles requiring digital skills are growing rapidly. In addition, successful managers and leaders increasingly require a strong working knowledge of digital technologies, as well as 21st century leadership skills including the ability to be adaptable, innovative and creative.
This certificate offers what candidates need to know to understand fail-safe computer systems, both rapidly and prudently. The Software Engineering Certificate provides a foundation in technical concepts and design techniques, as well as management, organizational, governance, and teamwork approaches, for building software systems. The emphasis of this certificate is on implementing software engineering projects within cost and schedule by applying the most current proven and innovative practices that overcome the shortcomings of an undisciplined approach. The implications of AI on SW engineering will be covered as a fundamental topic throughout all of the courrses.
The software industry is under intense pressure to deliver quality software. Because software production remains a labor intensive activity, the demand for large volumes of high quality software translates into a strong demand for qualified software engineers. This certificate is comprised of an appropriate balance of theoretical computer science foundations and IT management considerations that afford candidates with the means to remain abreast of developments in software engineering in the long term and practical applications that afford graduates the means to be operational in the short term.
Building on the lessons learned from the past is fundamental. Managers and software professionals who enroll in this certificate will become authorities on quantitative, rather than qualitative problem-solving methods, while learning to deal with a broad spectrum of enterprises—from small-scale to large complex projects.