Financial services is not what it was even a few years ago. Understanding emerging information technologies and their impact on the financial services industry (and related industries like private equity, banking), and the roles and responsibilities of IT and non-IT stakeholders in leveraging these emerging technologies (especially AI, blockchain, and security) in light of the digital transformation, will be at the heart of all of the courses.
Money is as old as time. What we do with it is new and continuously changing,
while Fintech is transforming the industry.
With today’s digital transformation, the traditional ways of transacting cash, paper, brick-and-mortar banking, and investing are considered too unwieldy, complicated, and costly. Today’s ecosystem demands the latest developments in fintech (financial technology). Automated investing and financial research, fully branchless banking, voice operated payments, and crypto currencies are revolutionizing the industry.
By leveraging emerging information technologies (e.g., big data, analytics, blockchain, robotics automation, AI), fintech firms are providing new services that automate the entire ecosystem securely and transparently. They are driving intense changes in competition and regulation.
These changes present many opportunities and challenges. This has raised the demand for IT professionals with not only the proper technical background, but also advanced knowledge of management, industry, and interpersonal skills; especially regarding how to leverage IT in financial services. Non-IT professionals also require increased proficiency in how best to leverage IT across the enterprise. Managers from all parts of the enterprise are being called upon to work together to address these complex business and technical challenges. Preparing IT and non-it professionals with these necessary skills has become essential, in light of the digital transformation and emerging information technologies.
The banking/finance sectors are facing a perfect storm of AI disruption and economic uncertainty. According to the World Economic Forum, up to 30% of financial jobs may disappear by 2030, with middle management positions being particularly vulnerable. With yield curve inversions, which traditionally predict recessions, remaining in place since 2022, financial institutions are hastening their adoption of AI to reduce costs and enhance efficiency. JP Morgan already uses AI for contract analysis, a task that once required thousands of human work hours. Similarly, Goldman Sachs has implemented automated trading systems, replacing traditional traders.
Naturally, having accurate, accessible, secure data is fundamental to a successful AI initiative, thus providing additional topics addressed in this program. The Financial Services IT Certificate focuses on the use of IT to enhance the strategic, tactical, and operational elements across the financial services value chain; from investment research through banking and investing at home, and includes critical supporting functions, such as capital markets, trading, banking, and regulatory and compliance.
The courses are designed for IT and non-IT professionals in the Financial Services industry whose roles involve leveraging digital financial services industry opportunities to provide demonstrable value from their IT investments, in light of the digital transformation and emerging information technologies (e.g., AI, blockchain, social media, analytics, big data), while addressing important considerations like providing a secure infrastructure and hybrid work environment. Due to the diversity of this industry (banking, brokerage, and insurance) and attendees background, GIIM will work with you to ensure all objectives are attained.